Saturday, December 13, 2008

Flea Control

Having a pet is a pleasure!! Atleast thats what we think until we understand what really goes into keeping them healthy! As a kid I used to beg my parents to let me have a pup,when we got one,I enjoyed spending a lot of time adoring him,and taking him out for walks,i thought my responsibility ended there,until I started noticing the fleas...At first I thought they were little flies which would eventually fly away (i was kid,i told you),only when my dog started behaving odd did I realise,they could have something to do with it. The best suggestion would be to visit a Vet,but it wouldn't harm if you kept yourself informed,the internet is a great place to look for info in,and one website that can give you info on fleas is Apart from general tips on how to control fleas, flea treatment and what products you can use,the site also has info on flea bites,some general petting questions,pet product reviews and some pictures of our pets' dreaded enemies! Visit the site for some information that is worth the while...

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